We are currently offering private training for those who wish to learn more about Reiki.
Private Reiki Trainings
Private Reiki trainings are taught by Reverence Yoga owner Ali Di Mola. Learn more about Ali below.
To sign up for a private training, click the link above, select “Reiki” and let us know which day(s) and time(s) work best for your schedule. We will be in touch!
Reiki Level I
$303, 2 Hour Private Training
You will receive:
-Reiki Level I manual
-Training on how to practice Reiki on yourself, loved ones, and pets
-Reiki Level I attunement
-Reiki Level I Certificate
Reiki Level II
$385, 3 Hour Training
You will receive:
-Reiki Level II manual
-Training on how to practice distant Reiki, learn the sacred symbols & how to utilize them, Reiki through time & space.
-Reiki Level II attunement
-Reiki Level II Certificate
Reiki Level I + II Combo (Same Day)
$616*, 5 Hour Training (*10% off)
Reiki Level III (Master)
$979, 6-8 Hour Training
You will receive:
-Reiki Master manual
-Training on how to Attune practitioners, learning the master symbol, 3 practicals 30 min a piece with master guidance, lunch & Q&A.
-Reiki Master attunement
-Reiki Master Certificate
With the Master training, you will have Alicia’s guidance throughout your journey and development of becoming a Reiki Healer.
About Ali and Her Reiki Journey:
"I have always been a very spiritual person. I was the child that you could find running in the yard romping about exploring nature, asking my parents all the questions about this or that. In my teens I discovered yoga and didn't quite pay attention to the subtle changes I felt that were very clearly beneficial. Thankfully I revisited the practice of Yoga upon moving to San Diego and that is where the spark of my passion ignited. After a few years of having a steady Yoga practice I felt the calling to deepen my knowledge further and get my RYT200 certification at my home studio. This was an experience I wouldn't trade for the world. I grew both mentally and physically in the process gaining with it another family along the way. During my program I learned of Reiki the ancient Japanese technique of energy healing in the chakra system of the body. I was skeptical at first and decided to schedule my own appointment with a friend and mentor who was a practitioner of Reiki and find out what it was really about. During my session I was absolutely blown away. The lightness I felt was truly wonderful. I slept better and my body physically functioned better. Shortly after I decided to pursue my Reiki Level 1 certification. Within the year I deepened my practice to eventually achieve my Reiki Master certification and I now lead my own training for those who wish to practice Reiki. Throughout the years I've been practicing I have been blessed with crossing paths with many amazing individuals who have had their own unique and positive experiences with my Reiki services. I am grateful and honored to serve my community with such a service and will humbly continue to do so as I feel it is my Dharma." -Ali Grieco

Yoga for Self-Compassion with Christine on Zoom - January 9, 2021 at 11am PST
This 90 minute workshop will include an introduction to what self-compassion is and how it can shape…

Donation Based Class with Christine
Donation Yoga Class
For the Loveland Foundation
With Christine Costello (RYT 200)
Through yoga we have an opportunity to see things more clearly, illuminating a path to the work that needs to be done and the harm that needs to be addressed to create a more equitable and just future.
Please join me for a gentle flow class via zoom this Sunday to benefit the Loveland Foundation. The Loveland Foundation, created by activist and antiracist educator Rachel Cargle, “prioritize(s) opportunity, access, validation, and healing" for communities of color, in particular, Black women and girls. Its Therapy Fund provides financial assistance to Black women and girls seeking therapy nationally.
Bring a mat/towel, some water, and your lovely self.
July 19, 2020
2-3 PM
$10 minimum donation
Zoom Meeting info:
Reverence yoga is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Donation Based w/Christine
Time: Jul 19, 2020 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Password: 668514
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